_____________________________________________________ _ Living 4 Jesus 4 Life: #26 May 12, 2012________________________________________ __
In this issue... Mothers Day!Prayer RequestsBirthdays!Our NEXT issue.... June 2, 2012Celebrate Father's Day!All requests welcome :)
|Our Mailbox :D || I LOVE YOUR NEWS LETTER! - Natalie G. |
{Prayer Requests} "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6- Please help all the people that have been hit by storms lately. And keep them safe!-Christina Kay
- Harper Grigsby's is recovering from open heart surgery. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. adgrigsby.blogspot.com. Thanks! - Autumn- Please pray for my older sister Andrea, she graduates from college in May and right now she's really sick and can hardly talk. - Mikayla- My adopted grandma is still in the hospital. She is doing a lot better though! Soon she will be moved to a rehab hospital where she will receive therapy so that she will be able to --walk again! Pray that she will learn quickly, that her therapy will go well, and that she will be able to come home soon. She is currently at a hospital about 3 hours away from where she and her husband lives. It has been really hard on him being away from her for so long. Thanks so much for all of your prayers! :) - Sarah Elisabeth- Also pray for my best friend's brother Kevin. He's fifteen years old and has gone to church all his life, but has never become a Christian. We want so bad for him to take this step! - Autumn- Pray for all the people who don't know Christ that they will come to know Him and be saved - Rachel- Please pray for a lady in our church who has breast cancer. Erin has 3 kids: 4, 3, and 18 months. You can read about her at erinfray.blogspot.com. - Artiss- Please continue to pray for Rebekah's cousin Karen, who has breast cancer. She has five children, and her husband is in the military! Thank you!- Pray that God will show Himself to a girl in Elly's gym class and He will change her heart!- Please pray for a Chinese family who is under a lot of pressure. Thanks! -Loice Don't forget to send us your prayer requests so we can publish them, or keep them a secret!------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------
__________________________________________________________ 12 Happy Birthday Kiley!!!
Kiley turned 12 on May 10th. She enjoys playing volleyball, basketball, and swimming. Her favorite ice cream is Cookies and Cream
__________________________________________________________ 15 Happy Birthday Ruth Ann!!!
Ruth Ann is celebrating her fifteenth birthday on May 21st. Her favorite song is "His Way Is Perfect". Her favorite ice cream is Chocolate!___________________________________________________________
19Happy Birthday Esther Renee!!!
Esther Renee will be 19 on May 27th. Her favorite songs are "Grace" and "The Path of Life" even though "The Path of Life" has not been published yet.
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Honor Thy Mother.....
Wow! It's kind of hard for me to believe that it's already Mother's Day again! Whenever I think about Mother's Day I always think of way's I can honor my mother on this special occasion. I mean, seriously! She carried me in her womb for 9 months! And then, as if that wasn't hard enough, she gave birth to me and raised me! She deserves honor for sure! Most of the time when we think about the verse in Exodus chapter 20 that says "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." I always think about what it means to honor someone. Immediately obedience comes to mind, especially when I think about that verse. But what does it really mean to honor someone? In Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language it says that to honor means to Respect, to treat with Deference and Submission. So honoring isn't just about obedience. It's so much more than that. It's about respect, deference, and submission. So treat your mother with respect. She deserves it. Obey her, God commands us to do so. Submit to her authority. She knows a whole lot more about life than you do. Remember, at one point, she was just as old as you are. And chances are, she went through the same thing you are going through. So you see, honoring your mother doesn't just take place once a year on Mother's Day. It's an all the time thing. She deserves your honor. This Mother's Day see what you can do to make her job just a little bit easier. Do what you can. No matter if it's big or small, do something. It means a lot to mother's to have their kids do something for them! :) But don't just help your mother out once a year, do it every day and whenever you get the chance! If you see something that needs to be done, go ahead and do it! Oh and obviously, don't forget to tell your mom that you love her! Mom's love to hear that!
God is GREAT! God is GOOD!
Hey girls :) I bet ya'll have something awesome planned for tomorrow... I did. Haha, my present didn't come yet in the mail so my mom will get a belated surprise sometime next week I hope! This Mother's Day has been different for me. I'm getting ready to graduate high school next week, and I've been thinking a lot about how much my mom has invested in me throughout my life. She has taught me so much. I've also realized how our relationship has changed over the years. She doesn't just help me like a mom who ties her daughter's hair bows anymore. She has put so much time into all the paperwork I've been dealing with for scholarships and the like; she's hauled me all over Texas so I could reach my goals. She has been a friend, the best of friends. Seriously, who else would put up with me like she does? But way too often, I just take it for granted because she's my mom. I just imagine it's her job. Guess what? It's not! Yes, she had a responsibility to help feed and clothe me as a little girl and to try to teach me what she knows, but she does NOT have to do all that she does to make my life better. Not even close! MY job is to be grateful to her and show her honor. Titus 2:3-5 talks about letting the older women teach the younger women. As we get older and we are given more freedom, I believe this verse applies our mother-daughter relationships as much as any verse that specifically calls out parents and children. Part of the honor we are asked to give her from the very beginning is to learn from her as a woman. The more we are willing to learn, the more we will develop a true friendship and this is a friendship that will last. Our mothers and our sisters are the friends that GOD picked out for us. Other friends will come and go, but we will always have them. Remember that. Value them. I've learned this lesson over and over, and it keeps coming back again. Friends mean well, but things happen, and they disappear or fade away. Only one friend here on earth has stood by me since the day I was born, and that is my mom. Take advantage of the years you have with her, and be the best friend you can be, because she probably already is, and she deserves it!keep smiling,autumn clare~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Number 26, May 12, 2012
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