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Living 4 Jesus 4 Life: #31 December 18, 2012
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In this issue... New Town, Connecticut
A Christmas Recipe!
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{Prayer Requests} "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6
She been a Missionaries Kid all of her life. She has 4 sisters and 4 brothers.
- Also pray for my best friend's brother Kevin. He's fifteen years old and has gone to church all his life, but has never become a Christian. We want so bad for him to take this step! - Autumn
- Please pray for a lady in our church who has breast cancer. Erin has 3 kids: 4, 3, and 18 months. You can read about her at erinfray.blogspot.com. - Artiss
- Please continue to pray for Rebekah's cousin Karen, who has breast cancer. She has five children, and her husband is in the military! Thank you!
- Pray that God will show Himself to a girl in Elly's gym class and He will change her heart!
- Please pray for a Chinese family who is under a lot of pressure. Thanks! -Loice
-I have a couple prayer requests: My great Aunt has been fighting breast cancer for many many years. No she has a awful cough and has a hard time keeping food down. She weighs only 100 pounds.
Our dear friend is having sever depression. She is a Christian and has been struggling with the depression for some time now. She does not have many friends. -Mikayla
-Pray for all the family's that lost their loved ones in the terrible shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school last Friday.
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20Happy Birthday Autumn Parham!!!Autumn turned 20 on December 6th. She loves her job of working at the library!__________________________________________________________
18 Happy Birthday Michaela!!!
Michaela celebrated her eighteenth birthday on December 9th. Her favorite song is Come Thou Fount.
She is One of 10 kids and loves it! She Enjoys participating in theater activities/writing puppet plays for VBS's her family does every summer.
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15Happy Birthday Olivia!!!
Olivia turned 15 on December 12th. Her favorite songs are Don't You Wanna Stay and Country Strong. Her favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough!__________________________________________________________
16 Happy Birthday Anna!!!
Anna will turn 16 on December 31. She lives in China and was born in Hong Kong in an ambulance on the way to the hospital!!
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Dear New Readers,
We now have a blog where we post all of our past newsletters so you don't have to miss a thing! We also post prayer requests, daily Scripture verses, and other thoughts of the day! Check it out: www.living4jesus4life. blogspot.com :)
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A few more thanks... (Here are a few more notes of thanks we missed in our last issue! Thanks to everyone who shared!)
I am thankful for all the special friends I met this year.
I am thankful for a M_ssion Board that loves and cares for my family.
I am thankful for Journey to the Heart and the ATI conferences.
I am thankful for Journey to the Heart and the ATI conferences.
P.S. These are just a few that I'm especially thankful for this year. But there are so many more!!! - Mary
I'm thankful for my family, friends! - Olivia
I am SO thankful for my wonderful, special friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! - Loice
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Sandy Hook Elementary
Most of ya'll have probably heard about what happened in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday, December 14th, 2012. But for those of you who didn't here's what happened. A 20 year old man came into Sandy Hook Elementary School, shot and killed 20 first grade students as well as 6 school staffers which included a teacher and a principal. When he heard police sirens he then took his own life. It is still unknown as to why he did all of this.
I know that all the families that lost their loved ones would appreciate your prayers. Remember these children as heroes. Those kids and staff went to school just like every other day. They had no idea what was going to happen. They didn't know that they would never see their families again. Dear girls, remember that none of us are promised to live another day. God could call each one of us home any day. I know that's scary to think about. It scares me too. We aren't promised a certain amount of days to live. Any of us could be here one day, and then be gone the next.
The only thing we know for certain in this life is that there is the one true God and He loves us so very much. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to be born of a virgin and live a perfect, sinless life here on this earth. He knew that His Son was going to die a terrible death on the cross and then rise from the dead three days later. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He shed His blood so that we could accept His gift of salvation. He died so that we may live. God knew that many people would not accept His free gift of salvation. The choice is yours. You can choose to accept His gift, or reject it. It is your decision.
Maybe you have already accepted Jesus as your Savior. If you have, you need to live your life devoted to Him. He wants to have a relationship with Him. Tell others about His love! Don't let His gift to you, go unnoticed by the rest of the world.
Last of all, remember the families affected by the shooting. Not only the ones that lost their children or someone dear to them, but also those that witnessed this. It must be terribly hard to deal with. Keep them in your prayers. All we can do is cry out to Jesus right now. Love your families! Tell them you love them. thanks!
God is GREAT! God is GOOD!
************Special Announcement!!***************
In our next issue we will be sharing cool ideas for New Year's Resolutions! Please send us yours!! Make them fun! Be serious. Be random. Be yourself. :)
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Original recipe makes 3 dozen
- In a large mixing bowl, combine crushed cookies and cream cheese to form a stiff dough. Roll into balls. Freeze until firm. Dip with a tooth pick in melted candy coating. Let rest on waxed paper until set.
- PREP 50 mins
This recipe is great for the holidays! I already made some for my family I will be serving on Christmas Eve and everyone is looking forward to them! They freeze great too!!
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Make Every Moment Count
Hello ladies, it's been a while since ya'll have heard from me. I think about y'all all the time, probably every day. So y'all have caught me on a good one! I'm excited about several things, and I want to share them all. First, yesterday was my second birthday: I've been a born again Christian for ten years and one day now!! As long as I live those days will continue to add up. It's for life. :)
James 4:13-17 says, "Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to
do it, for him it is sin."
Every morning when you wake up, thank God for it. And not just by saying, "thank you." Go out and love everyone you see, so that they see God in you. In fact, I'm going to say something you probably don't hear very often. Love yourself, that is, love the person God created you to be. You were created in God's image (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image,in the image of God he created him;male and female he created them.) And your body is the temple of The Lord. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.) Live your life so that God is glorified in EVERYTHING you do! That is what we are called to do - that is our purpose! And no matter how long or short our time on earth may be, we need to make the most of every moment! Just like all those kids and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary, we never know when our life is almost over, and we want to be ready when it's time!
Second thing I'm excited about: today was just such a great day at work! We ate lunch in a barn, my friend Bree (the only other youngster in the office) and I melted forks over the candle, and we got presents! There's just nothing like playing with fire... I'm not sure what it is yet, but I made a fabulous statue out of my fork that looks something like a hand holding up two fingers, don't try this at home kids! The presents from all the ladies are perfect, they make me feel so loved because I know a lot of thought was put into every one of them.I love Christmas celebrations! 🎁😊
And last for tonight, I already know what I'm going to talk to y'all about in our next newsletter and I am pumped!! Love you all and have a very merry Christmas!
keep smiling,
autumn clare
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