Saturday, December 31, 2011

Number 22, December 31, 2011

  will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfud
Living 4 Jesus 4 Life: #22 December 31, 2011
Marvellous are thy works; and that my soul kno   
In this Issue....... prayer requests
                             365 braids
                             resolutions from our readers!
Special Announcement!!*************
When we sent each of you the "application" for our newsletter we said that we would be sending it out every other week this year. Well, this year is {almost} over. For 2012, we want to keep writing the newsletter, but it will be sent out on a monthly basis instead of every other week. Our next issue will go out Saturday, February 4, 2012.
{Prayer Requests}
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6
  • Pray for all the people who don't know Christ that they will come to know Him and be saved - Rachel
  • Please pray for a lady in our church who has breast cancer. Erin has 3 kids: 4, 3, and 18 months. You can read about her at - Artiss
  • Please continue to pray for Rebekah's cousin Karen, who has breast cancer. She has five children, and her husband is in the military! Thank you!
  • Pray that God will show Himself to a girl in Elly's gym class and He will change her heart!
  • Two of my friends are getting married at the beginning of the new year, and just wanted to pray for no last minute disasters, and a long and happy marriage. ~ Cora
  • Please pray for a Chinese family who is under a lot of pressure. Thanks! -Loice
  • Don't forget to send us your prayer requests so we can publish them, or keep them a secret!
     Mary says, "Happy New Years" in Chinese! 新年快乐!Xin Nian Kuai Le!This is the pin-yin for the characters.
    And here is the best I could do at pronunciation for ya'll!
    "seen knee-ann coo-aye le"
    --365 Braids--
    So... I asked all of ya'll to send in some interesting New Year resolutions for this issue, and I'm also going to tell ya'll about some of mine. Actually, how we got started :) In 2009, New Year's Eve, Sarah and I were on the phone and we were running out of things to talk about, so we decided we needed to make a New Year resolution {together}. We wanted it be something fun, and something unheard of. After a lot of thinking to come up with the perfect thing, we resolved to wear at least one braid every day of the year and also some amount of visible pink!  Needless to say... I did not keep my side of the deal, but it was fun while it lasted! Sarah totally kept it up all 365 days!
    Last year, about this time,  I was cleaning out my room after Christmas and I found some old "GRACE" newsletters and I was thinking how I used to love them, and then I was like "Me and Sarah could do this!" We really needed to have a resolution again anyway, and again, it had to be different! So, when I asked her about it she thought it was a cool idea too and by the end of January we had everything ready to go. It was a really good chance for me because at the time I was already writing most of the stuff we would be using in the first few letters, as far as articles go, for a couple of different classes I was taking. I was also already online a lot because of three online college classes and studying for my ACT test. Wasting time has always been a struggle for me, so it seemed like God had given me this opportunity to share what He's done in my life without even spending a lot of time on it - basically just making the time I already spent writing and online count for His glory!  We agreed to plan on keeping it up for one year (sweet resolution - eh?) because by the end of this year I would be a senior and probably a lot busier. We would just "see what happens between now and then" and how God blessed it and maybe keep it up even longer! We started out with 11 readers. We now have almost 40! Just as I imagined, I am a LOT busier now, busier than ever. But as this year has drawn closer to a close ;) I knew I didn't want to stop just yet. I feel like this newsletter really has made an impact on some of ya'll, and it definitely has on me! It has helped me become more confident in sharing my faith both in writing and face-to-face, and it's helped me stand up for what I believe. It's held me accountable for my words, actions, and attitudes, because I don't want to preach one thing at ya'll and live something totally different. It's also made Sarah and I better friends, and obviously it's  helped me draw closer to God! So, taking it one year at a time, we're gonna' keep this up! I'd love to see a lot bigger number of readers by the end of next year too, so keep sending us emails for all your friends and let's get up to 3 digits by next year! As always, the more the merrier!
    Happy New Year!
    keep smiling,
    autumn clare
     Remember the Past, live in the Present, look to the Future
     So wow! I can't believe that tomorrow is the first day of 2012. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing in 2011 with my best friend by a bonfire. This year has gone by so fast it is unbelievable. I guess its true that the older you get, the faster time flies. 2009 started mine and Autumn's New Year's resolution. The first year of resolutions(for 2010) was that we had to wear a braid in our hair and wear something pink every day. We thought it would be easy, turns out it was HARD! Towards the end of 2010 we decided we should do something more mature and something that would actually benefit us and maybe encourage others as well. Autumn told me about a newsletter that she use to get and told me about how she had loved getting it. And that is how this newsletter got started. We found it to be a lot more challenging than wearing pink and braids. But the challenge was worth it. This whole year has been so great getting to know each of ya'll a little bit better and to hear about what ya'll are going through. Ya'll have been so encouraging. The best thing i think that I have gotten out of this newsletter experience is that I am closer to God, and me and Autumn are better friends. It's been great. 
      Remember The Past. Sometimes it can be scary. Some people say you shouldn't look back. I say go ahead! Look back at all those fantastic memories you have made. Don't forget them. Memories, good times, laughter, crazy jokes, that's what makes our lives spectacular. Don't forget it. You don't have to look back at the hard or sad things in your past. Remember the good things. But don't ever forget the people that have helped you get to where you are. Don't forget how God has made you grow. Don't forget those that you lost. Remember, the past isn't a bad thing. But you can't linger in the regret of mistakes you've made. THAT is in the past and it can stay there. :) 
      Live In The Present. Crazy moments make up our lives. Don't be afraid to live, love, and dance like crazy! Go for your dreams. Shoot for the stars. It's so important to live in the moment your in because if your living in things of the past, you might miss something spectacular. Be who you really are. Don't be pushed down into a mold of the world. Be you. This time is yours, use it for the glory of God and have fun! 
      Look To The Future. 2012! It's almost here! That's the future. We are getting a new president in 2012. Who is it gonna be? That is a life changing thing. Hey, your birthday is in 2012 too. ;) There are so many things to look forward to in your future. Not just your birthday or Christmas. Those are annual things. You also have other things to look forward to. Maybe your first job, your first car, graduating high school, college maybe, marriage eventually. There's a lot to look forward to and I definitely look forward to all of it. Change is a big part of the future. So much is changing around us right now. Just think about how much will change by the time 2013 comes! It's gonna be great. So what do we do about the future, we look forward to it of course but we don't want to be looking forward to it SO much that we forget what time we are living in right now. Its okay to look forward to the future, just don't get caught up in it. Remember whats here right now. 
      Girly's I encourage each of you to set aside time each day this coming year to spend time with God. It doesn't have to be hours, it can be 5 minutes. Just set aside time every day to focus on God. Your every day life will change. Spending time with God is always a good thing! God bless you this year girly's! Love ya'll! 


    *Cool* Resolutions for 2012 
    --To be better at answering questions (because I always answer I don't know)
    --To share God's Word with more people
    --Praying for family and relatives everyday
    --Having a Quiet Time everyday
    --Journaling everyday
    --Get up early(er) in the mornings, so that I can be sure to have time to have my quiet time everyday!

    Number 21, December 17, 2011

    I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully mad
    Living 4 Jesus 4 Life: #21 December 17, 2011
    Marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth ri  

    In this Issue....... prayer requests
                                 from our readers
                                 Christmas special
    ****Reader Feedback:*********************************************************************************
    I really enjoyed the "Living4Jesus4Life" that I received yesterday! It is my favorite so far! ~ Mary
    Thanks for this week's newsletter! I enjoyed reading it! :) ~ Cora
    {Prayer Requests}
    "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6

    • Pray for all the people who don't know Christ that they will come to know Him and be saved - Rachel
    • Please pray for a lady in our church who has breast cancer. Erin has 3 kids: 4, 3, and 18 months. You can read about her at - Artiss
    • Please continue to pray for Rebekah's cousin Karen, who has breast cancer. She has five children, and her husband is in the military! Thank you!
    • Pray that God will show Himself to a girl in Elly's gym class and He will change her heart!
    • Please pray for my cousin who was in a car accident. She was not injured seriously, her face was just scraped up and she has a sore jaw from the impact of the head-on hit. Thanks!
    • Two of my friends are getting married at the beginning of the new year, and just wanted to pray for no last minute disasters, and a long and happy marriage. ~ Cora
    • Please pray for a Chinese family who is under a lot of pressure. Thanks! -Loice
    • Don't forget to send us your prayer requests so we can publish them, or keep them a secret!
                                                      Christmas- From Our Readers
      • We usually make cookies with our grandmother. ~A Friend
      • Christmas is a time to think of Christ's being born on this earth as a baby.....and that he came from heaven to earth for us. Our family tradition is we have egg cassorale and sticky buns as a brunch then we whatch a show on TV while the dishes are being done, and then we go downstairs to open gifts. then our mom comes up and does pizza for supper while we play with our new things. (Incase some of you were wondering why it takse from brunch to supper I have nine siblings so it takes a while to open the gifts.) ~RuthAnn
      • Christmas morning my mom and I make home-made cinnamon rolls and pigs in a blanket for breakfast.Christmas to me means a time to get together with friends and family and having fun and celebrating Jesus being born. ~Elly
      • We make Kringlas in the morning and people can participate as they get up (people can sleep in)!!!  It's a fun time!!! ~Loice
      • As we celebrate Christmas with family and friends, our hearts are filled with joy.
        At the same time, however, there is a solemnity about it.
        Jesus humbled Himself and left His home in heaven, the place He had always known and loved, and came to earth in the form of a helpless Baby.  He came to die for our sins, for MY sins, and YOUR sins, thousands of years before we were even born!
        Because of His great love for you and me, He allowed Himself to be hurt by people and forsaken by His Father.  Do we even nearly recognize how much He gave up for you, and me?!  The reality of this should make us want to do anything to please Him, yet because of our sinful nature we still often do things we know He would not like.
        Let's remember how much Jesus sacrificed for us, and seek to pass on to others this love. Be a giver of His love this Christmas! Philippians 2:-7 ~Mary

                                                                                            What Christmas Is All About

        Christmas. Definitely my most favorite time of the year. Not just because its a time when families seem to draw closer together or because there are lots of fun decorations everywhere. Christmas means so much to me. For me its a time to be reminded of our Savior's birth. I mean just think about it. The King of King's gave up His home in Heaven to live here on earth. He was born in a manger in a barn. That shows me so much about how much God loves us.
        This time of year most people are so caught up with Santa Clause, money, gifts. They are so worried about what to get for their family and friends. Who is spending the most this year. How are they ever going to get enough money for all that they need to get. The children are caught up with what Santa is going to bring them. Sure its fun to get family and friends gifts. But we need to focus on the REAL gift of Christmas. God's Son. Jesus. He did so much for us. And all we do at the time of His birth is worry about presents and who is being naughty or nice! What's up with that? Christmas is about Jesus' birth and God's love. It's about sharing the love of God with others. Let's keep the true meaning in Christmas this year and all the one's to come. 
        In our family we don't have too many Christmas traditions. We just have a few little ones. On Christmas morning the younger kids will get up really early and look through their stockings and then eat all sorts of candy and junk food. They can't wake the rest of us up until 7:00 or 7:30. When we are all up and in the living room Dad will get out his Bible and read the Christmas story from Luke 2. When he gets to the part where the Angel's are speaking to the Shepherds I always quote it "Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." And then my favorite part "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace good will toward men." After the Christmas story is read Dad will ask the younger kids questions about what He just read. Then we all take turns opening one present at a time. There are 8 of us kids so it takes a while. It teaches all of us to be patient and to appreciate our gifts more and the gifts that the others received as well. After all the presents are unwrapped we go into the kitchen and have mom's homemade Cinnamon Rolls that she and my younger sister made the night before.
        Family traditions are fun. Some of them have a serious and important side that make us think and appreciate all that we have. And others are just fun and are memory makers. No matter what your traditions are at Christmas don't ever forget about God's love. Keep the true meaning in Christmas! :)  


      Christmastime is my {favorite} time of year. (Regardless of the political ties my name might have towards fall) ;). In Texas, we have four seasons: almost summer, summer, still summer, and Christmas. I LOVE it! In a way my family has tons of Christmas traditions.... but at the same time we celebrate them in a totally untraditional way. For instance, I have only ever known one other family who does presents like we do - dig in! This year has been pretty different so far, and it's taken some adjustment for sure. My cousin for one thing let his fiancee schedule their wedding on the same weekend we've been celebrating my Grandmother's Christmas for over twenty years... ouch! But going with a good attitude, it was fun! My sister also got married this year, so tomorrow will be our first Christmas to celebrate with an "outsider," her husband. My brother's girlfriend is also joining us... different. But it's all in your attitude :)
      No matter how Christmas goes, I always feel SO loved. Sounds lame, I know. But I'm not sure how else to put it. I really do. We celebrate the birth of Christ, who came and died for us to make it all possible. Almost one week ago, I celebrated my ninth birthday as a born-again baptized Christian, and that just makes Christmas that much more special to me! I want to thank God so much! At times, I feel like my life is absolutely perfect. Times like tonight.
      It is a time not only to remember God's love for us, but to follow His example in showing our love for our family and friends. And it's such a time of peace and joy because even those who do not believe in Jesus find ways to show their love for each other.
      Christmas makes me so crazy before it gets here, and then it comes and leaves me sooo happy and content! I don't even mind knowing that it won't be back for 365 more days - and trust  me I can be pretty impatient about some things! I just feel good. Every year I see specific instances that are definitely answered prayers and God's direction in them. This year my new favorite brother-in-law flew my little sister and I to Florida to surprise my older sister for Christmas - she had no idea! It was the coolest present ever, and then we got to roadtrip back home for Christmas with them after a few days. It was super fun, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season! Have a very merry Christmas girls! Love you all!
      keep smiling,
      autumn clare

      A Christmas Song:
                   House of Bread

                  BETHLEHEM'S TREASURE

      Bethlehem, House of Bread,  Place of Jesus birth,
      Pointing me to who He is,  Showing me His worth.
      Jesus Christ,  Bread of Life,  I need you to live.
      Nourishment for health and strength  You alone can give.

      Manger bed,  feeding trough,  Place where Jesus lay,
      Pointing me to who He is,  Then and still today.
      Jesus Christ,  Bread of Life,  Rest and joy You bring.
      Your Word speaking to my heart  Causes me to sing.

      Hungry heart,  needing Bread.  Place designed for God, 
      Urging me to seek Him now,  Toward Him me to prod.
      Jesus Christ,  Bread of Life,  You are who I crave.
      You alone can satisfy.  You alone can save.

                                  ~Valori E. (Morrison) Liu
      This song is what my Mom wrote last Christmas (2010)!
      She had really noticed how Bethlehem means "house of bread", and how Jesus is refered to as "the Bread of Life".
      So she wrote this beautiful song!  I wish I could sing it to you...but at least you can see the script!  I really like it!!! :)

      Recipe Corner!! 
      Mini Molten Cakes -- submitted by Cora
      Ingredients: Unsweetened baking cocoa
      6 oz semisweet baking chocolate, chopped
      1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
      3 whole eggs
      3 egg yolks
      1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
      1/2 cup Gold Medal® all-purpose flour*
      Additional powdered sugar, if desired
      Sugared kumquats, if desired
           1. Heat oven to 450°F. Grease bottoms and sides of six (6-oz) custard cups with shortening; dust with cocoa. In 2-quart saucepan, melt chocolate and butter over low heat, stirring frequently. Cool slightly. 
           2. In large bowl, beat whole eggs and egg yolks with wire whisk or eggbeater until well blended. Beat in 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar. Beat in melted chocolate mixture and flour. Divide batter evenly among custard cups. Place cups on        
               cookie sheet with sides.
           3. Bake 12 to 14 minutes or until sides are set and centers are still soft (tops will be puffed and cracked). Let stand 3 minutes. Run small knife or metal spatula along sides of cakes to loosen. Immediately place heatproof serving plate     
               upside down over each cup; turn plate and cup over. Remove cup. Sprinkle with additional powdered sugar. Garnish with kumquats. Serve warm. 
      Be sure to grease the custard cups with shortening and dust the cups with cocoa. Baking the cakes at the correct oven temperature for the right time are critical to the success of this recipe. If the centers are too cakelike in texture, bake a few minutes less the next time; if they’re too soft, bake a minute or two longer.
      Do not use self-rising flour.
      Wheat Snaps -- submitted by Marissa and Loice
      Start by making tortillas. This is the recipe we like to use:

      2 c. whole wheat flour
      4 c. white flour
      1 ½ c. of water
      ¾ c. oil
      1 ½ t. baking powder

      Mix with hands. Roll into golf balls. Let sit 5 minutes. Roll out. Place rolled out tortillas on baking trays. Cut with pizza cutter into the desired cracker size. Sprinkle with a little salt and sesame seeds. Bake at 170º C or 350°, 8-10 minutes or till slightly golden brown. 

      Now the Wheat Snaps are ready to be served. They taste great with a mouth-watering dip. Have fun baking!
                                      Kringla -- Submitted by Mary
                                                                 A Norwegian pastry 
      My mom's grandparents were Norwegians, so this recipe has gotten passed down to us.  We normally make this on Christmas morning.  People can sleep in if they want, and then as people get up they begin making the Kringlas with the dough Mom chilled the day before.  They are really fun to make, and even yummier to eat!  We like to make shapes besides the "proper" shape.  Initials, "scenes", etc.  :)  They are especially good with butter and hot chocolate.  Have fun!
      Cream together:
      2 beaten eggs
      1 t. vanilla
      1 c. butter
      Alternate, beginning and ending with flour mixture:
      1 1/2 c. sugar/3/4 c. honey
      4 1/2 c. flour
      1 1/2 c. buttermilk
      1 t. salt
      1 t. baking soda
      1 t. baking powder
      Chill.  Then take in small amounts and roll like a snake, then twist in middle.  Bake at 350 degrees for 6-10 min. 
      Makes 3 dozen
      Here are a few pics so you can get an idea of what the "proper" shape is.  :)

      Christmas {Special} submitted by Cora Thornquist 
      The days leading up to Christmas are very exciting.
      It all starts the day after Thanksgiving. We get out ourChristmas tree, and all of our Christmas decorations, and spend that daydecorating and watching Christmas movies. We started this tradition in ourfamily, where, instead of hanging up Christmas lights outside where we can’tsee them, we hang them around our living room so that we can enjoy them. They are lovingly called “Red-Neck Lights.” Wealways start watching Christmas movies in June, but we watch a lot more inNovember and December. One of our favorites is Elf. We have seen it so many times, but it is still funnyevery time! Another thing, is the National Finals Rodeo. I think theanticipation for that can be more exciting than the anticipation of presents.Watching the rodeo is so much fun.
       Wrapping presents ismy worst enemy. I try to do a good job, and it just turns out a mess! So whenin doubt, put it in a bag and staple it so you don’t have any peekers! Keepinggifts a secret is very hard sometimes. I get so excited to give the person thegift, that I almost end up telling them what it is, and I have ended up accudently telling the person, or just giving it to them early. Thinking of what I want to do for everyone is also hard sometimes,because either someone else is doing it for them, or they got it already, orthey don’t want it anymore. So typically, I don’t have Christmas gifts planneduntil about a week before Christmas. Except for this year, I have everything ready to go!
      I love the Christmas Eve service our church has. It isbeautiful, the singing is great, the church is decorated with Christmas decorations,and I love the Christmas Eve message. Going to bed used to be impossible.When my sisters and I were younger, wewould be up practically all night, we’d talk and giggle. But now, we go to bed,and sleep all night. I think we grew up. It is still really exciting, but weneed our ‘beauty’ sleep. When we first wake up, we lay there and talk for a fewminutes, then wake mom and dad up. Tradition is, that my sisters and I hang outin our room until mom and dad have their coffee, turn the heater on, and haveeverything set up.
      Becky, Calista and I all sit in a circle and wait as each ofus are handed a gift. We each take turns opening a gift, so that we can seewhat each other got, plus it makes it last longer. Cricket our dog, has a great timetearing up the already torn up paper, but she makes a huge mess. After we aredone opening presents, we hang out, typically read or watch Christmas movies.
      My mom is an awesome cook, she never fails to make us agreat Christmas dinner! It typically is ham, scalloped potatoes, dinner rolls,green beans, and some sort of delicious dessert afterwards.

      -Christmas to me, isn’t just about getting and giving stuff.To me, Christmas is just another time to remember our Savior’s birth, and whathe did for us, and that is the greatest gift of all.-

      Monday, December 12, 2011


      Hello dear ladies! :) 
      For this upcoming newsletter we are doing a Christmas theme! :D And we would like to hear back from you! Email us and tell us about any cool family traditions you have or anything special that you like about Christmas time! Also, maybe you could share what Christmas means to you. :) We would LOVE to hear back from you so don't hesitate to send something in! And if you don't want to be published, we would still like to hear back from you. just let us know that you don't want it to be published! :) Ladies! Looking forward to hearing back from ya'll! 


      P.S. Our email address is

      A Follow Up!

      Hey ya'll!
      I know I don't usually do this, but here's a follow-up for our last newsletter because God followed up on me and I wanted to tell ya'll about it! Yesterday I went to the bookstore at my community college to try to sell a couple of books back since I'm done with finals for this semester now! (and soo happy to say so!) While I was filling out a form to turn in with them I had an interesting conversation with the guy working there. "You're a believer?" he said. "Mmhm," I answered with a smile, but I was thinking how did he know that??
      Then I noticed he was kind of looking at my big sparkly cross necklace. Ta-da! People really do notice what you wear. Like even crosses, not just modest or immodest. And they know what they stand for. It's not like I cuss or cheat or misbehave or steal, I don't regret how I've conducted myself in all my crosses, because whether I'm wearing one or not I want to bring glory to God! But I wear them ALL the time, and honestly I don't always think about it anymore. They've kinda become  more of a fashion statement to me now - because they're just so cute and country-style - not a mark of ownership that I do belong to God. But that's what other people see, whether they tell ME about it or not. It was a good reminder. I thought it was weird too that it came up right after we wrote our newsletter on modesty!
      He went on to ask what was my favorite book, at which point I had a very blonde moment. "The Bible," I answered... with a little l.o.l. ;)
      "Haha of course," he says, "like what book?" 
      "I don't really read anything else," my blonde moment continued with a big cheesy smile.
      "No, like what book in the Bible?" Ohh! drr! I thought for a second and said Proverbs, because in that feeling-so-stupid moment I forgot that II Timothy is actually my favorite and is matter-of-factly the book that is falling apart in every Bible I've ever owned! He just totally took me off guard I guess. I don't have conversations like that with random people very often, even though I wish I did. Asked who my favorite character was and I said probably Peter, even though I've never really decided. We talked for a minute after that while they checked on my books and I wished I could be bold like that, to even bring up the conversation with people I KNEW were "believers," much less people I couldn't tell that might jump down my throat! One of my Bible class teachers asks a question, "If you believe this story, (God's Word!) and that you're a part of it, what in your life, right now, needs to change?"
      I need boldness.
      Thanks for reading!
      keep smiling,
      autumn clare 

      Number 20, December 3, 2011

       I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made......                     __________________          
      Living 4 Jesus 4 Life: #20 December 3, 2011
                       In this Issue.......
                   Find out what a reader chose as our topic this week.....
                 Prayer Requests.......
           A new recipe......
        Marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.  Psalm 139:14   ________________ _ 
      19 Happy Birthday Autumn Parham!!! 
         Autumn will be 19 on December 6th. Her favorite songs are Remind Me, I Love You This Big, and Dirt Road Anthem.

      13 Happy Birthday Olivia!!! 
         Olivia will be 13 on December 12th. Her favorite kind of ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough.

      {Prayer Request}

      • Pray for all the people who don't know Christ that they will come to know Him and be saved - Rachel
      • Please pray for a lady in our church who has breast cancer. Erin has 3 kids: 4, 3, and 18 months. You can read about her at - Artiss
      • Please continue to pray for Rebekah's cousin Karen, who has breast cancer. She has five children, and her husband is in the military! Thank you!
      • Pray that God will show Himself to a girl in Elly's gym class and He will change her heart!
      • "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6
      • Please pray for my cousin who was in a car accident.  She was not injured seriously, her face was just scraped up and she has a sore jaw from the impact of the head-on hit. Thanks!
      • Please pray for a Chinese family who is under a lot of pressure. Thanks! -Loice
      Don't forget to send us your prayer requests so we can publish them, or keep them a secret!
      Special thanks to Mary for letting us know what she would like to hear about this week! Feel free at any time to email us about what you would like to hear about! :)
      Beautiful From the Inside Out 
        When you think of true beauty what comes to your mind? A model? A certain actress? A ballerina? A figure skater? When God thinks of what is truly beautiful YOU come to mind. Yes you. :) He created you. Of course He thinks you're beautiful! God doesn't judge your worth or beauty by what is on the outside like clothes, make-up, or a "beautiful body" or even a "beautiful face". He looks at the inside of you. No not your insides, whats in your heart. He sees past what you wear and what you look like. He looks at what you do for others. How you spend your time. What you do for Him. I heard a quote the other day and it said "When God measures your worth He measures around your heart, not your waist" I love that quote so much. Every time I hear it I am reminded that God really does look at the inside of us and not the outside. 
        So what exactly is inner beauty? Well, I think inner beauty comes from your heart. It comes from what you do for others, your attitude towards your parents, the way you look at life, the way you love the Lord. Inner beauty takes some work. It's not just like "oh, I'll read my Bible sometimes and I'll obey my parents sometimes." It takes dedication. And you have to mean it. A seed doesn't grow into a plant in one day. It has to be watered and taken care of. Just like that we have to be consistent with what we do. We need to pray, read the Bible, respect our parents, and be kind to others all the time. Once you get going and are consistent it gets easier. Sure there are going to be some hard times but we can't let them get the best of us. We've got to keep pushing ahead to that goal of true inner beauty.
      Remember, we can't do anything without God. Let Him have control and He will make you beautiful from the inside out! :) Love you girls! 
      1 Samuel 16:7b- "...for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart."

      At first when I read the suggestion that we talk about modesty and inner beauty this week, I was a little uncomfortable with the second part. This is because modesty is something that it seems everyone has different convictions about, Christian or non. But then I remembered about the meat Paul talks about in I Corinthians 8 that was offered to idols. I really do encourage you to read this chapter. It talks a lot about being an encouragement, rather than a stumbling block, to those around you in how you respond to both your own and their own personal convictions. How we view modesty depends a lot on our culture and beliefs. Indian women, for example, consider it perfectly normal to show their midriff but it is a sin to show their ankles. We are all Christian girls,  and I think we would all agree that this is absurd! But how we dress is certainly something to be considered.

      Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." I try to keep this verse on my mind at all times! It is so powerful! "ALL your ways" definitely seems to apply to how we dress. This is not saying we should all wear baggy t-shirts that have Scripture verses or say the word God on them every day. But we should ALWAYS dress in a way that will bring glory to Him and that will not cause others to question our sincerity or faith. A big part of this actually does have to do with inner beauty! Since we are created in the image of God, we can recognize a modest or an immodest spirit surprisingly well. So can everyone we meet. We can dress with the highest standards and they may still see discontent and insincerity in our witness. This won't bring glory to God. 
      Inner beauty must come from an acceptance of ourselves exactly the way He created us. And it must come from a desire to do God's will in our life, and to bring glory to Him in EVERYTHING we do!
      I have to tell ya'll about my trip to the zoo a couple weeks ago! I know, it seems like a total change of topic, but it's not... this is me! The zoo in San Antonio is amazing, it's huge. I love seeing the monkeys every time, but I saw two new animals I thought were awesome too. I'm always amazed at the creativity of God.
      The Opaki, and Kirk's Dik Dik. The Opaki is this really cool animal they described as "Africa's best-kept Secret," and it looks like a mixture of a donkey and a horse with a zebra-printed backside and legs. Kirk's Dik Dik is just cute. The name actually kinda fits although I don't know where thye came up with it! It's only like 18 inches tall and has tiny little toothpick legs, and looks like a miniature deer but way cuter! (Google it!) I wanted to hold it so bad. But I also thought of my unchangeables. Something I've never done at the zoo before. I started thinking and I am really grateful for all of them. The animals that all look just alike look so spiffy, but I am glad that every single one of us look different from each other, exactly the way God made us. 
      Psalm139:14 says,
            "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully
         made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth
         right well."
      {Inside & Out}

      keep smiling, (You're {beautiful} just the way you are!);)

      autumn clare
      Cheddar Puffs
      (like goldfish crackers)

      1 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
      1/2 cup margarine
      1/2 tsp. ground mustard

      Combine and mix
      roll into 1 inch rolls and place an inch apart on ungreased baking sheet
      bake at 400 degrees
      12-15 minutes

      This recipe is what my friend, Jayme, gave me.

      ~Loice Rochelle


      Number 19, November 19, 2011

         Living 4 Jesus 4 Life: #19 November 19, 2011
                       In this Issue.......
                 Learn about thankfulness.....
           Thankfulness Corner....
                 Prayer Requests...... 
                       A New Recipe........
      Ephesians 5:20- Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the 
      name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

      12 Happy Birthday Rachel!!
      Rachel will be twelve on November 27th. She enjoys swimming, reading, walking her dog, and playing with her kitten.
                                                                      {Prayer Request}
      • Please pray that my Chinese friend would come to know Father.  I have been praying for her for a while now and have shared the Good News with her but have not seen much of a response.  I have a burden for her since she has some family difficulties.  She has a younger sister that is somewhere around 10 years younger than her.  ~Loice Morrison     
      • Pray for all the people who don't know Christ that they will come to know Him and be saved - Rachel
      • Please pray for Rebekah's new neighbors, that they will come to know God and that they will have a great friendship with her family!
      • Please pray for a lady in our church who has breast cancer. Erin has 3 kids: 4, 3, and 18 months. You can read about her at - Artiss
      • Please continue to pray for Rebekah's cousin Karen, who has breast cancer. She has five children, and her husband is in the military! Thank you!
      • Pray that God will show Himself to a girl in Elly's gym class and He will change her heart!
      • Pray that my friends mom gets better because she isn't doing very good. ~Elly
      • "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6
      Don't forget to send us your prayer requests so we can publish them, or keep them a secret!  
      *Thankfulness Corner*
      • Cora says.....
      The thing I am most thankful for, is that Christ died for me so that I might live again. And I am thankful for everyone and everything that He puts in my life.
      • A friend says..... 
      I am thankful for my friends and family
      • Emma says.....
      hmm.......... There are a LOT of things that I am thankful for but, I will say that it would probably be my mom! 
      • Loice is thankful for....
      :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
      • Ruth Ann says....
      I woke up one morning, and there was a blue jay out in a tree in the front, and then when we were eating lunch one day there were at least three out there. I thought that was pretty neat, and I am thankful for not mother nature but God's nature.
      • Elly is thankful for.... 
      The ability God gave us to draw and laugh

      • Mary Danielle says....
      I AM THANKFUL FOR... siblings, especially my sisters. Last Sunday five of my sisters and I spent a day together--sharing, talking, crying, laughing, singing, sleeping, praying, and playing. It was wonderful! Often we take our siblings for granted, but it's not right. Let's treasure our siblings and the memories we share!
      • Sarah Kae says...
      I'm thankful for my fun family, my aWeSoMe friends, & my STRONG country! :)))


      Thanks for this recipe from Mary Danielle! 
      Cheesy Biscuits
      3 cups whole wheat flour
      3 cups oat flour
      2 Tbsp. baking powder
      1 Tbsp. salt
      1 oz. cheese
      crushed oregano leaves
      oil / butter

      Mix dry ingredients (except for oregano) thoroughly.  Add grated cheese, water, and a little oil or butter (optional--I didn't).  Shape into biscuits and lay on well-greased pan.  Sprinkle with oregano and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.  Serve warm.  Makes approx. 24 biscuits.


      So, Thanksgiving is coming up! I am sooo glad about that! Most of the time we get so caught up in the holidays and the busyness of it all that we don’t pay attention to what they are actually about. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. No, not because of the food. ;) But because its a time that our family gets together and we take the time to realize everything God has done for us. Just looking around me I see that I have so much to be thankful for. I have a house that is cool in the summer and warm in winter. A closet full of clothes. An abundance of shoes. Plenty of food. And that's just the material things. I look around outside and see the trees and plants that provide oxygen. The sun that helps us to grow and gives us warmth and light. And then of course it goes beyond what I can see. I read the Bible and realize how gracious God has been to be our Savior because we most definitely do not deserve someone as awesome as He is. Our freedom. I live in a country where I don't have to worry about being persecuted for what I believe. The fear of being dragged out of church on Sunday doesn't even come into my mind. I don't have to be afraid of being taken to jail for sharing the gospel. God has blessed me so much. I can't even begin to imagine where I would be today if I didn't know Him as my Savior. Just remember girls. There is always something we can be thankful for. You may have gone through a hard time recently, but remember that God's in control. And what He does is best! :) Have a happy Thanksgiving! :)
      "Giving Thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"~Ephesians 5:20

      I have so much to be thankful for. In the Bible, we are told time and again to give thanks in ALL things, but I just have so much that is easy to be thankful for! Why is it sometimes so hard to focus on the good? I'm thankful for Thanksgiving because it reminds me to be thankful for EVERYTHING else!! ;) 
      A while back someone asked me what one person has had the greatest impact on my life, and why?
      …I’ve put a lot of thought into this, and I have to say my parents. You see, I can’t choose between them. I can’t split them up – they are a team. In Matthew 19:5-6 Jesus said that in marriage the “two shall become one,” and they have. After 25+ years, they backeach other up, and sometimes it’s annoying! I have never seen them fight, never seen them argue, though I know sometimes they disagree. I want a marriage like that… someday. ;)
      The reason I say my parents have had such a great impact on my life is that they have basically taught me everything I know! I mean, whose parents haven’t? …we could say, but my parents made the decision seventeen years ago to homeschool my sister and brother and me and they have stuck it out all the way with two graduated and now three under me, and I know sometimes it’s been hard. For some reason respecting your teacher just doesn’t seem quite as important if she’s your mother, and I know that’s been true for all of us at times. But I won’t go into that too far. So not only have they taught me the academics that, duh, you learn in school, they’ve taught me to finish what you start – always. Perseverance.
      My parents are some of the hardest-working people I know. They have taught me to do my very best in everything – and just like 4-H’s motto, “To make the best better.” ;)
      The biggest reason or way they have impacted me, is giving me my faith. They did not force it on me, and it is my own. But they have passed on the torch, and it was my opportunity to take it. God has become my very best friend, and He always will be. Even when my parents are asleep or I feel like I can talk to no one else, friends, family, He is there to listen. When I move out and my parents no longer have such a big influence on my life, the things they have taught me about my God and how I can live my life in a way that honors Him, since I was so little, will still be influencing me.
      If I could tell them only one thing, this is what I would tell my parents; I would tell them thank you. Thank you for everything.

      Thanks! ;)
      && Happy Thanksgiving :)
      autumn clare